Monday, 30 April 2018

Learning Pit

 We have been learning about the Learning Pit and what to do if we get stuck with our learning. Today Desmond was sharing a story about what he did when he got stuck with his writing...

Welcome to Mrs Mabbitt

We are very pleased to welcome Mrs Katherine Mabbitt to Pod 6. We are very lucky to have her joining our team for the remainder of 2018. Mrs Mabbitt loves teaching art and science and we are looking forward to making use of her talents. 

Please come in and introduce yourselves to Katherine.

We also have some new students this term and we are looking forward to getting to know them and their whanau.

Rotation Activities Day 1 Term 2

Along with the new hospital area the children had the opportunity to explore the large bugs, and to create interesting creatures out of playdough and loose parts.

Alfie was really pleased with the shark car that he created.

Jeremy and Casius created boats, planes and cars using duplo.

Writing about our holidays...

Using the playdough to create...

Alfie and Hunter creating aeroplanes...

Reading with Mrs Mabbitt and Mrs Johnsen

Karahina playing with our new bugs.

Pod 6 Hospital

In the holidays our home corner moved so we could create a hospital in that space. The teachers collected lots of bits and pieces for our hospital. Today, the children got to be doctors, nurses, and patients.There was lots of opportunities for reading and writing built into the role play activities too.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Goodbye Miss Hamlin

We have had such an amazing term working with Miss Hamlin and we are very sad that our time with her has come to an end. Miss Hamlin is a fantastic teacher who brings loads of knowledge and many amazing skills to the classroom. The students reported that they really enjoyed listening to the stories that Miss Hamlin read and they LOVED doing a range of art with Miss Hamlin especially painting. Luckily Miss Hamlin will be back from time to time to do relieving and she is often working somewhere at Hurupaki School so we will still get to see lots of her. We are really, really, really going to miss her and we want to say a HUGE thank you for everything that she has done, Miss Hamlin went over and above in supporting Pod 6 with their learning this term.


Farewell Miss Hudson

We have been very lucky to have a first year Auckland University Student in our class for the last two weeks. The children have really enjoyed having Miss Hudson in our class and playing games with her. They also enjoyed listening to the stories that she read during learning through play time. Miss Hudson will be back for four weeks later in the year. We wish her all the best with her studies in the meantime. We are looking forward to having her back to support us with our learning.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Smarty Pants - Joy Cowley

Last week we read the book 'Smarty Pants' - By Joy Cowley. It is such a great story that we wanted to write our own stories about what makes us smarty pants!! We also made pictures of us wearing our 'Smarty Pants'. Come in and see them hanging up. Our stories are currently being published and then they will be put up too!!