Monday, 6 June 2016

We have been practising our new school karakia every morning.

Here is a copy for you to practise at home.

Morning Karakia

Kia hora,  te marino
May peace  be widespread
Kia whakapapa, pounamu te moana
May the sea be like greenstone
Hei huarahi, ma tatou, i te rangi nei
A pathway for us all this day
Aroha atu, aroha mai
Give love,    receive love
Tatou i a,  tatou katoa
let us show respect  for each other


1 comment:

  1. I like how this represents some of the values,
    Pride,(kia whakapapa, ponamu te moana)
    Caring (Aroha atu, aroha mai)
    Respect (tatou i a, tatou katoa)
    This is from Aston NOT MUM!
